Unveiling the Secrets of Orangutan Skeleton Growth and More
Welcome to another captivating episode of The Arch and Anth Podcast. In this intriguing installment, we dive into the world of great ape skeletal growth and development with Alexandra Kralick from the University of Pennsylvania. Get ready for a journey through the fascinating realm of biological anthropology and some fun facts that will leave you amazed.

Meet Alexandra Kralick
A Passion for Discovery: Discover the brilliant mind behind the research, Alexandra Kralick. Learn about her work, which delves into the growth and development of great ape skeletons, unravels the mysteries of sex differences in humans and other primates, and explores the captivating field of biological anthropology.
Great Ape Skeletons Unveiled
Exploring the Differences: Dive into the intriguing differences between the skeletons of various great ape species, including gorillas, chimpanzees, and orangutans. Uncover the unknowns in skeletal variation among the Hominidae taxon and the role that mating systems and social grouping of apes play in determining their skeletal shape and size.
The Fascination of Sex Differences
Beyond Binary Views: Explore the realm of sex differences and their significance in primate hormonal studies. Learn how studying sex differences in orangutan skeletons can provide valuable insights into our understanding of biological sex, challenging the traditional binary perspective.
Bridging Science and Communication
Science Outreach: Alexandra doesn’t stop at research. Discover her passion for science communication and the innovative ways she engages with the online community. Get inspired by her dedication to making complex biological anthropology concepts accessible to all.